AZ Repeaters

Thanks to Bryan W. (W7BNW) we now have a listing for all the Arizona repeaters as compiled by the Arizona Repeater Owners Frequency Coordination Committee.  (Click here to go to the organization's website.)  The complete listing shows both the input and output frequencies instead of using the "+" and "-" signs.   Click here for the PDF file of repeaters that was updated on May 11, 2011.  We will soon upload the PDF to our own Google Docs so we can have a backup link.  Hopefully, we will find a good way to display a graphic of the repeaters here on this page.  THANKS, BRYAN!

The repeater data below is compiled and maintained by n7qvc.  The data does not appear to be copyrighted but we have asked for permission to reuse it here.
Click here for a list. 
AZ Repeaters Yavapai County